Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Tis The Season

   This will be my first holiday season without Mom and I'm afraid it just won't be the same. Mom always had a talent for floral arrangements and decorating. So far the house is definitely lacking the certain festive flare it usually has around this time of year. It was always tradition each year for us to spend Grey Cup Sunday working together to transform our house into Mom's version of a winter wonderland. I was the unskilled labour who did the grunt work of setting up the tree and trying up the garland to the banister and mantel, while Mom would follow behind me and work her magic by paying meticulous attention to detail. With this morning's fresh snowfall, I finally clued in to just how much I miss our time decorating together.

   Starting this weekend, I am on a mission to pay my very best tribute to Mom and transform the house to the best of my abilities (wish me luck, I'll need it). I think to really get in the mood I'll throw on her favourite Bob Marley CD and really get into it. Thankfully, I have my wonderful girlfriend to help me string the lights and garland around the tree; always Mom's least favorite task! Each year she always had to have a different theme for the tree. I think this year I'm going to go with an all white theme using her pearl white poinsettias. I remember once spending every evening together for a whole week helping her glue and paint her famous pumpkin seed poinsettias. That was a painful experience back then, but looking back it is another favorite memory of cherished time spent together.

   The true test of whether I inherited any of her creative artsy skills will be when the time comes to wrap all my gifts. I was lucky to always have a professional to call upon whenever I was giving someone a gift. People would always admire things she wrapped and it wasn't rare for someone to want a picture before dismantling the masterpiece. She truly had a talent for making things look beautiful through her attention to detail. Whether it was in her flower arranging, gift wrapping, or even serving up a plate of food, Mom always made sure there was a perfect presentation with the right mixture of color and accent accessories. I'm betting this year there will be at least 10 of her best friends going through a similar experience as me, when they attempt to recreate her outdoor greenery arrangements or fresh wreaths. Don't worry ladies, she will be proud of each and every one of us for simply trying to match her creative genius. Who knows, maybe you'll surprise yourself after receiving some heavily inspiration! I'm hoping so...

   With each decorating challenge I take on this weekend I will be thinking of my favorite room mate and best friend. I love you Mom.


  1. I myself are one of the recipients of these beautiful pumpkin seed poinsettias. As I hang this on the tree this year I think not of the loss of this amazing woman but of the good times and memories shared. I know the house looks amazing as I'm sure the skills and attention to detail were passed down! I see she was not lost and she is still alive in all of us in one way or another... When I carved my pumpkin this year I thought to save the seeds to try and replicate the beautiful creations however with just as much hestiation I'm sure I would not even come close!

  2. My sister was a recipient of a seed poinsettia. It was on a beautifully wrapped package that your mom put together. I saw my sister last night. She said she put up her tree and as she was hanging the ornament; thought of your mom. She is around us in all that we do.
